The eligible bachelorettes of the Seven Kingdoms would be a great catch for any guy, and even the not-so-great ones are pretty good depending on your feelings about sexual sadism or incestual histories. Here’s how the women of Weseros (the characters, not the actresses who play them, mind you) stack up on a scale of one to HOT.
Lysa Arryn
Nobody likes a mean lunatic. Sorry, Lysa.
Cersei Baratheon
HBOPros: Loves her children, excellent cheekbones. Cons: Literally everything else.
Despite being very pretty, Myranda’s sadistic tendencies and genuine affection for Ramsay Bolton make her really, truly icky — and considering her bizarre taste in dudes, she probably wouldn’t want you, anyway.
Lady Selyse
Mrs. Stannis Baratheon always looks like she’s sucking on lemons. (Not that we blame her, exactly.)
Hotness seriously compromised by the whole “traitorous whore” thing.
Yara Greyjoy
Not sure what’s up with Yara, but there must be a reason why the only guy we’ve seen pursue her so far is her own brother. Gross.
Gilly is the most eligible, desired woman at Castle Black. Of course, this might be because she’s the only woman at Castle Black, period, but let’s not dwell on it.
Olenna Tyrell
She would have been at the top of this list in her youth, but let’s be real, Grandma can probably still get it with at least half the dudes in Westeros.
Yes, she’s pretty much out of her mind. But she’s also gorgeous, and frequently nude, so it balances.
Osha was pretty cool, albeit kind of violent and unwashed.
Nymeria Sand
A beauty best admired from a safe distance.
Obara Sand
Tyene Sand
She’s the most beautiful woman in the world. The most! Beautiful! EVER! There, we said it. Please don’t stab/poison us.
Meera Reed
The mysterious sister of Jojen Reed is hard to get a read on, but she’s not evil or ugly, and she’s awesome at getting [stuff] done. Maybe she and Bran will spark a romance when he’s done becoming one with a tree.
Every warm-blooded human in Westeros is pissed at Joffrey for killing Ros.
Brienne of Tarth
Brienne isn’t just a skilled, loyal warrior, but also an Amazonian blonde with legs for days. Why are the men of Westeros not all over this? Do they have weird hangups about tall women?
If the male population of Westeros would stop drooling over Daenerys for five minutes, they’d notice that her BFF is actually a mega-hottie. It’s too bad she’s in love with a eunuch.
Ellaria Sand
Not only is she beautiful, passionate, and wildly adventurous in the sack, but if you happen to have your skull crushed in single combat, she’ll totally avenge your death.
Arya Stark
Sure, she’s kind of a serial killer and she’s going through this morbid “Faceless Man” phase right now, but hey, we all have our moments of teenage angst. And she’s a Stark! That counts for a lot.
Myrcella Baratheon
A little bit clueless and a lot inbred, but Myrcella is a lovely little princess.
Catelyn Stark
It is not even remotely a mystery why Littlefinger was forever in love with Cat.
Talisa Stark
She would have been a perfect Queen in the North.
Margaery Tyrell
Beautiful, cunning, from a powerful family, and not incestually involved with her siblings (although if you want to screw her brother, she’s cool with it.) Except for being currently in prison, Margaery is a total catch.
Why did Jon Snow want to leave that cave, again? So dumb, for so many reasons.
Sansa Stark
Highborn, beautiful, savvy, and empathic, Sansa will easily move into the #1 spot as the most eligible woman in Westeros just as soon as somebody (preferably Sansa herself) chops her terrible husband into little tiny pieces.
Daenerys Targaryen
Mother of Dragons, Queen of Meereen, top of the list. AND SHE KNOWS IT.